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All wrong.
How to get out of communication dead ends into which we drive ourselves
"This book is about the communication mistakes we make when we are sure we are doing everything right. About how we get offended by others, quarrel with them, and find ourselves in dead-end situations. Nevertheless, the main thing is how to get out of these dead ends with the least losses and restore contact."

Even the most experienced among us fall into communication traps. Whether we are communicating with a business partner or family, it is effortless to start a conflict out of nowhere. Marina Melia is convinced that for effective communication and conducting complex negotiations, it is essential to pay attention first of all to the psychological reasons for your behaviour.

Marina Melia has identified several of the most problematic communication phenomena and, in each chapter, examines one of them using a specific example and, most importantly, gives practice-tested recommendations.

– how to conduct a dispute so that it does not develop into a quarrel;
– when it is essential to say "no";
– what are "dead" and "living" words;
– how to praise and criticize correctly;
- How to get out of an unhealthy relationship.
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eBook and audiobook:
I want, I can, I must.
Get to know yourself and act!
Each of us will find ourselves, at one point or another, at a crossroads in life. These moments tell us that the time has come to pause, to think about yourself, your wishes, and your future. This means it's time to make your life reflect your aspirations and dreams.

Marina Melia is a professor of psychology and coach-consultant to the top players in Russian business. She offers effective self-development methodologies that have been tested and honed by decades of practical experience. In one book, Melia presents her unique methodology, which can be applied without the help of a psychologist-consultant.

"I want, I can, I must" is a methodology that helps you find your way in life, be true to yourself in any situation, build upon your strong points, and not be afraid to act on 'unexpected results.'
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eBook and audiobook:
Golden rules of Marina Melia.
How to build a relationship with your child from the first days and for life
This book combines two bestsellers by Marina Melia about responsible parenting.
In the first part, "Mom is nearby!" the author invites parents to pay close attention to the first year of their child's life.
The second part, "Get away from the child!" is devoted to the analysis of specific cases and the search for solutions to "unsolvable" problems.
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Marina Melia's method.
How to strengthen your strength
The basis of Marina Melia's method is a deep belief in the capabilities and hidden strengths inherent in every person. Often, "strength" is not evident: it may look like a weakness or not fit into stereotypes. The author invites the reader to his "workshop" and shares his professional secrets.
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eBook and audiobook:
Mummy's here! Important secrets for baby's first year
Many parents believe that babies need only attention and care during their first year of life. They think the real work of raising a child comes later. This is real misconception! Whether a person grows up to be driven or irresolute, gregarious or withdrawn, intelligent or not very, a great deal depends on how much the mother invests in the first 12 months.
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eBook and audiobook:
Just leave the kids alone! Simple rules for wise parents
We are all trying to raise successful, independent, and happy children. So we pour ourselves into organising their lives, controlling their behaviour, constantly correcting them and doing our best to retain our authority. But all our attempts to influence and pressure another person can be unhealthy.
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eBook and audiobook:
Відчепіться від дитини! Прості правила мудрих батьків
Ми хочемо виростити успішних, самостійних і щасливих дітей і тому активно організовуємо їхнє життя, контролюємо поведінку, постійно щось забороняємо, а щось змушуємо робити. Але наші зусилля змінити дитину, прямо впливаючи на неї, майже не приносять користі.
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Palikite vaiką ramybėje! Paprastos išmintingų tėvų taisyklės

Mes visi norime užauginti sėkmingus, savarankiškus ir laimingus vaikus. Todėl aktyviai planuojame, kontroliuojame, nuolat peikiame ir koreguojame jų gyvenimą bei veiksmus. Tačiau mūsų pastangos paveikti kitą žmogų, darant jam tiesioginę įtaką, beveik beprasmės.
Knygą galite įsigyti šiose parduotuvėse:
Наши бедные/богатые дети
В книге психолога Марины Мелия показано, как атмосфера, условия, в которых растут современные дети, отражаются на их развитии, и подробно говорится о том, что делать, чтобы изменить ситуацию к лучшему.
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